Sunday, March 30, 2014

AT LAST!! KOKO's 5th anniversary PARTY!

Ok so this was Kokorokoko's 5th anniversary party which happened like, 10 years ago - no, I'm kidding, it happened more like two weeks ago... or something. Anyways, it was awesome, or shall I put it, Très Awesome (they were there!), with the habitual danciest dance music and fashionably fun fashionable people.


Alanna Picks #11: Cameron

photographs by Alanna Zaritz -

Why Cameron: "I am a sucker for great hair, which is totally the crown of any outfit. Cameron here has basically won the hair lottery with his thick Botticelli ringlets. We bonded over his Zara blazer (we were both wearing the label) but he made it look like Gucci. The thin-knit scarf, wrapped like a cravat, was a great romantic detail, and i love that his vintage boots are a warm brown, as opposed to black. similarly, there's an intriguing contradiction between his minimalist, modern overcoat and the old-fashioned roundness of his frames."

SO ROMANTIC!! Zara uniting people...

Alanna Zaritz runs the blog Drawn and Coutured - along with Josh Crow - and is a regular contributor to Chicago Looks. Here she gets to share all the mad style she comes across while hanging out in the coolest places - such as the Museum of Contemporary Art, where she currently works.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Josh Illustrates #10

See their photos here

So glad Josh Crow picked these two beauties from Market Supply Co. to sketch. Karyn Dethrow and Merl Kinzie epitomize the stylish and productive ladies of our city's burgeoning fashion industry. Along with Mustache Mike they are responsible for one of the most well curated vintage selection in town - and totally worth a trip to Pilsen, no matter where you are. Remember to check out Merl's one-of-a-kind exquisite jewelry line.

Josh Crow is a regular contributor to this blog, see his beautiful illustrations all over Chicago Looks. If you'd like to have your own, just send your picture to More info here. OH AND OF COURSE check out his awesome blog,, which he runs with my über stylish friend Alanna Zaritz.

Street View 178: Ben

Ben looks both dangerous AND angelic on my Bleader post here. He’s currently having his photos featured in a show called "Organum Socii" at Degenerate Art Gallery in Edgewater (5554 N. Winthrop). See a shot of it below:

Hmmmm... Intriguing! Photo by @capn_crunk

Street View 177: Vincent and Anna of LVL3

Vincent Uribe and Anna Mort, the always fashionably coherent duo behind LVL3 Gallery featured on my Bleader post here..

This Saturday (March 29) LVL3 is having their fifth annual silent auction and benefit raffle, an event they named hArts for Art, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting local nonprofit Arts of Life:

 See you there!

Randolph Market this weekend!

More info here

Chicago Looks street exhibit

1st location - Medill and Milwaukee, almost in front of Revolution Brewing:

2nd location - on Milwaukee just south of Fullerton:

These pics will be coming to the blog soon!


Rebecca organized Will Guzzardi's first campaign and was involved in the second one too. Such an amazing team of supporters! #GoTeamGuzz #WillPower

Julie's Paper Dress + WILL GUZZARDI WON!

GREAT, finally there was something that could be done with all those flyers. Paper dresses! Well, after Mayhem they have never been so in. Come to think of it I should have saved mine... Anyway... The important thing is WILL WON! HOORAY!! Congrats to all of you involved in his campaign, and to Will Guzzardi too! Best of luck to you/us!

Will Guzzardi and patriotic looking supporter.

Street View 176: Carly

Carly is SO GORGEOUS and SO INCREDIBLY COOL, check out her whole look (including leather cap + Kate Moss tee) on my Bleader post here. She's being featured in the latest Reader print btw, GET IT!!

PS: I just wanted to let y'all know her BF is DJ BUHAY.


Street View 175: Lukas

Check out Lukas's leopard backpack in all its glory on my Bleader post here.


Kevin was looking this SWAG while shopping at Ikea. Read what he had to say about his happening style on the Chicago Looks Newcity column here. Get the latest issue all over town - see distribution map here.

Street View 174: Vanessa

This girl is SO GORGEOUS, and such a great dresser! See her whole look on my Bleader post here.


Spotting Meaghann again was kind of historic : )) since she was on my very first Bleader (Reader blog) Street View. BEHOLD:

Still works for me! See whole post here.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Caroline Styles #5

Photographs by Caroline

"Hello again! I don't know about you, but I am certainly sick of this weather! Sure, I like to look out the window while it's snowing, drink hot chocolate by the fireplace, and all the usual wintertime activities. However, I just really want to bust out my spring dresses and be able to put flowers in my hair! In the meantime, I settled for this old coat that I found the other day. This coat was actually mine when I was really young (I mean like 3 or 4, and yes, I don't know how it fits me either). It used to be a full length coat, but now it's a short coat! I am really in love with the bright red color, the velvet peter pan collar, the little embroidery, and the buttons (basically the entire coat). I only thought it suitable to center my outfit around the coat, so I paired with with a blue velvet dress (also from my childhood), a straw hat, some vintage oxfords, and my Miffy earrings. This outfit is a cry to mother nature for springtime to come NOW! Tata for now!"


YEAH, bring on that spring, girl! I'm crying out to mother nature too, can you hear me? Now you're using your very own vintage, that's smart. Like a friend of mine used to say: you gotta shop your own closet.

Caroline is one of Chicago Looks fabulous collaborators - see her previous contributions hereherehere and here. More coming soon, stay tuned!


Vintage shop Kokorokoko is celebrating their 5th anniversary with some of the BEST dance music DJs at Beauty Bar TONIGHT! Plus Trés Awesome and I are gonna be there shooting it all. Y'all invited! More info here.


GREAT NEWS: Artist Brett Manning and Chicago Looks are teaming up for a super cool collection of vintage T-shirts, Busy Beaver buttons and canvas bags, stay tuned! In case you already have that shopping itch, check out her online store here.
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