Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Alanna Picks #3: Sovannra

Chicago Looks is lucky to count on the sharp eye of Drawn and Coutured's Alanna Zaritz for a very special collab. From now on she gets to share all the mad style she comes across while hanging out in the coolest places - such as the Museum of Contemporary Art, where she currently works. 

Read below what Sovannra had to say:

"Sovannra Yos was at Chicago's Union Station a few Tuesdays ago during Station to Station, a country-spanning Doug Aitken project uniting video art, musical performance, and conceptual installation work.

What inspired your look today?
Cinderella, concept of reveal/conceal, tasteful exposure.

What does it mean to you?
Edgy innocence.

What do you do for work and fun?
I'm a studio assistant for the artist Nick Cave. I enjoy making clothes, installation art, and writing.

How would you describe your style?
The dichotomy between femininity and masculinity, colorful, combining thrift finds with current trends, and play with mix-matching prints.

Which element of your outfit is most special to you, and why?
My pretty, dainty, demure vintage 1930's sheer party dress. I bought it on a recent trip to Saint Louis. It represents for me a forgotten, romantic era."

Photographs and interview by Alanna Zaritz of Drawn and Coutured.

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