Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gerald and Jasmine


This and the next two posts were shot during The Sartorialist's talk held at the MCA Chicago last Tuesday.

*Becca, find your shot on the Bleader soon.
**One more shot to come from this event in next week's Newcity.


Alanna works at the MCA and is one more good reason to visit their store. Follow her on Instagram @remoteviewerwpa .


Jena Gambaccini is one of Chicago's most popular personal syle bloggers. Check out her site here.  

Street View 063: Keegan

Check out my latest Bleader column here.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tomorrow: The Sartorialist at the MCA

A must-attend event: one of the biggest inspiration for street style enthusiasts all over the globe, Scott Schuman will be speaking and signing his latest book - The Sartorialist: Closer - at the MCA Chicago tomorrow at 7 pm. More info here.
PS: On the way there remember to get the latest Newcity issue featuring a holiday-themed fashion editorial styled by me and Najee Redd + a local holiday shopping guide by Chicago Looks.

Friday, November 23, 2012

This week in Newcity - Loco for Local

Here's a little taste of the Chicago Looks special in this week's Newcity. There's a holiday-themed fashion editorial styled by me and Najee Redd, and also a shopping guide featuring some local gems I selected.

You can find Newcity all over downtown and in other cool places such as Epic Burger, Myopic Books, Crossroads, Una Mae's, Old Town etc etc etc.

Street View 061: Cami and Marissa

Check out my latest Bleader post here.


Ahyun was shot while presenting her work - titled "Ascension" - at the School of the Art Institute Fall 2012 BFA Exhibition. Read what she has to say about her art and her fab dress here.

"Ascension" by Ahyun Kim

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Caroline Styles


'grandfather blazers' as I like to call them. Wear them with a pocket watch and a cigar hanging out of your mouth to complete the look : )


Vintage luggage is the COOLEST luggage

Enough said

NICE bowtie/ribbony thingamabob (it's fun to make up words)

Shirt tucked in. I always tuck in my shirts, looks much nicer that way.

'creeper smile'

J.W. Anderson CREEPERS.


It is difficult to draw these

ANYWAY, creepers. They're awesome because they make you super tall and they're just plain rad.

(Circle) skirt

These skirts are great with

I wish that was me in OXFORD HEAVEN

SPIKED OXFORDS (Badass AND classy)

They could serve as a weapon...
(Truth or Dare shoes by Madonna)

Snazzy Chanel shoes


This is a piece of velvet from an old dress that I 'upcycled'. It's a beautiful deep blue velvet!

(pardon the arm)

I'm on the hunt for a cape coat. They'e so FLOWY and WHIMSICAL.

I got a bowler hat from HM that looks SHARP

velvet circle skirt is even BETTER

Fall= time to take out your tights.

Black flats are a MUST

Fall is a great time to capture the beauty as NATURE. I'm thinking of getting myself a used Olympus Evolt e420... I enjoy photography and I need a camera...


My everyday makeup routine is the "cat eye"

Red lips are a CLASSIC

CREEPY, just in time for HALLOWEN*" 

*[it was, sorry guys!]


From now on Chicago Looks is proud to present a collaboration with some of the city's most stylish inhabitants, who will be sharing their views on all things aesthetic. This week is Caroline's turn. Read more about her below: 

"Hello, my name is Caroline. I must admit, I find the task of creating a description about myself is quite difficult. I mean, how am I, or anyone for that matter, supposed to write a few lines about who we are, when in reality we are... A LOT OF THINGS. So I guess the best way to do this is simply to name a few of my interests, a few, because I have many. Anyway, I have to give credit for for being such a huge inspiration to me. Through Rookie, I have branched out to find and do so many new things. I hit a road bump in my life and I was so frazzled, trying desperately to figure out who I was, and in doing so I was everything I wasn't. I'm still a teenager, so I still haven't exactly figured out 100% WHO I am, but I'm getting there. I'm sure there's adults out there who are still figuring themselves out too. What I do know about myself is this: I love style. It's a great feeling to get up in the morning and to try on a bunch of different outfits that I find represent who I am (or who I'm slowly finding) and then rush to get ready because the bus is going to come soon. Besides the obvious fashion aspect of my interests I enjoy photography as well. I think I'm going to buy a used Olympus Evolt 420 on Amazon. To give you a bit more about me I like to: play the violin, make crafts (particularly with felt, buttons, and ribbons), ride my bike (I need a new one, a bigger one), explore (I live in a suburban town so it's not that exciting, but i have found some neat places, I also like to go to the city to explore), go shopping (thrift stores and cheap clothes are where it's at), and take my dog for walks (she's a lessthanfivepound chihuahua miniature pinscher mix, her name's Harley). I also love flowers (especially putting them in my hair) anything vintage (old books smell wonderful), and animals (how can you not love them?). My goal is to make a blog about me filled with all of things things and more, and I'm looking to start it during winter break. So, although I may not have a blog right now...look for one coming in the near future:)"

GOT IT? I did. See how Caroline models her words of wisdom here and here.


Street View 060: Emily

Check out my latest Bleader post here.



Love Emilie's hair? Go have yours styled by her at Strange Beauty Show or at the Chop Shop.


Sasha Hodges is the co-owner of Kokorokoko, one of my favorite vintage shops. They have just relocated to 1323 N. Milwaukee Ave. - their new space is nothing short of RAD. Have a little taste with the pics below:


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This Saturday: Street Art Side Tour #2

Here's a second chance to see some of the citie's coolest walls guided by street art curator Nick Marzullo from Pawn Works.

More info here.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Joan Styles

"Trends for life in the city!

You are good for day or night with a full skirt, bold colors, the right jacket, shoes, and boots. And don't forget the black sweater + leggings to complete the showstopper look! The form fitted short sleeve dress with red clutch is perfect for work or play, day or night. While the flat boots get you through the day with style, the red + black pumps bring glam to yr evening out. You have achieved expression, style, mood, confidence! 

Short hair perfect! It's all about the jacket. A combination of style and architecture. A Chicago look! A work of art just like the Magnificent Mile. Are you ready for a stroll? Let's go.............. This jacket gets five stars!!!!!!"

From now on Chicago Looks is proud to present a collaboration with some of the city's most stylish inhabitants, who will be sharing their views on all things aesthetic.

This beautiful collage was made by Joan Marie Sassano, the founder and director of Joan Marie's School of Modeling. Joan Marie is a creative artist whose performances are remembered for their excitement, grace, energy and beauty.

She will be gathering a chic and fun crowd at the Drake Hotel this December 28th, where you'll be able to see some of her models in action. She can definitely teach someone how to strike a pose (see a few examples of her pizzazz here and here).

For more information please contact Joan Marie at



Najee is a designer and manager of Sir & Madame, a cool boutique located on Damen and Augusta. He was shot at Agent Gallery Chicago, which is filled with unique objects selected and designed by Mariano Chaves.

Najee is one of my favorite dressers in town. Check out the series he once did for the blog here and stay tuned to check his own column at Chicago Looks (coming up soon!).

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Street View 059: Sarah

Check out my latest Bleader post here.



Tiffany Escada was featured in my Newcity column last week. Read her interview here and get the special Newcity Best of Chicago issue all over downtown - and many other select places.
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