Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thanks, Timberland!

I am Brazilian and therefore winter scares the heck out of me. I'm already biting my nails over here. BUT... there's no need to worry (that much) anymore. Timberland, which has recently opened a new shop in the Chicago area, sent me THE MOST AMAZING COMFORTABLE NON-SLIPPERY HEELED WINTER LEATHER boots. YES. All those adjectives in one single pair of boots. They actually go by "Women's Stratham Heights Tall Boot".

This is like my 4th winter in Chicago and so far I had NEVER found a decent pair of winter boots. I even (unrealistically) thought of starting a line or something, but thank god I didn't have to do that. Timberland took care of it. AT LAST I'll be able to go to a nicer place without having to change out of my ugly snow boots in the car.

They have a whole line of non-slippery heeled shoes (a life saver - literally - if you live in Chicago) called Stratham Heights. Next I wanna get this:
These ones are super cute as well:

See more in their site or in their new shop at the Westfield Old Orchard mall.

PS: Timberland is an eco-conscious company, learn more about their programs here.

Isa (me!) on Trés Awesome

(photos by Emma Arnold)

Last week I ran into Emma Arnold from Trés Awesome (see post here), and she again managed to take a picture of me that I actually like - even though I do recognize I need to a) get a haircut and b) get a tan. Emma is doing an amazing work documenting street style from Chicago and beyond. Check out her blog for more.

Below see another shot of me she took a few months ago:

(photo by Emma Arnold)

Thanks, Emma! <3 Have fun in NY! - by the way, she'll be covering the NYFW for the ELLE street style section and Trés Awesome. Amy Creyer from Chicago Streestyle Scene will be there as well. Stay tuned to their blogs!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Charlotte was walking with her friend James (below), whose earrings really drew my attention. Turned out James designed them herself for her Whatever-whatever accessory line:

*James, will you send me the link to your shop? Thanks!



Monday, August 22, 2011


Abby Nierman was shot at the What If... art show - which she attended with her also adorable friends pictured above.

Abby's looks never cease to amaze me. At such a young age she has reached a style that is incredibly sophisticated but at the same time girly, hip and fun. Plus she manages to look like a million dollars mostly shopping at places like H&M and Salvation Army. ABBY IS THE FUTURE! - even though she already rules NOW.

Read more about this talented girl here and check some of her shots below (see more on her Flickr):

(photos by Abby Nierman)

Find Abby here:
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