Friday, April 19, 2019

Chicago Looks 10th anniversary!

A few months after moving to Chicago from my native Sao Paulo, Brazil, I decided to go on with the work I'd been doing there: documenting the best style I saw in the streets. I vividly remember the moment I photographed Sopha, my first Chicagoan subject. I just had to do it - his image really "clicked". That same kind of impulse kept happening, and I kept photographing. I "ambushed" countless folks while abruptly parking my car to get a photo, I screamed out of windows trying to catch people's attention, I got into arguments with my husband when I made him pull over for a photo while we were late going somewhere, I lost my breath while desperately running to stop someone. It's been quite an adventure.

I did take a break from blogging here - motherhood ain't easy - but I never really stopped photographing. My street style column - Street View - is regularly published in the Chicago Reader, along with a column dedicated to local shops - Shop Window. I also have few articles published in Newcity - including fashion editorials I had a wonderful time doing.

I intend to catch up and post all the style photos I took in the past couple of years. The people I photographed deserve that - they have all been so generous with their time. Sorry it's taken me so long!

I'm surprised that those first choices in 2009 still make sense to me - see some examples below. I've been so fortunate to encounter such kind and well-dressed people over these past 10 years! Many of them became dear friends, and all of them have a special place in my heart. I am deeply thankful for their openness. I love Chicago even more because of them.

All photos above were taken in 2009, the first year of Chicago Looks.
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