Saturday, February 8, 2014

Newcity drivers wanted!

Chicago Looks is a proud contributor to Newcity, a locally owned arts and culture biweekly that you can find all over town. Here's a great opportunity to all freelancers out there who own a car and don't like to be stuck in an office: 

"One day, usually every other Wednesday, we rent vehicles and deliver Newcity to just under a thousand locations around Chicago and Evanston. The steady, regular work has proven to be a solid gig for several of our longtime drivers who are musicians by trade—with some doing this as long as fifteen years. 

Why does this work for them?

It's a concentrated (one long day), regular batch of work and income

It's physical but not unduly taxing, offering a respite from a too-often sedentary life

It's a way to engage, face to face, with the city around us in a time of increasing digital isolation. Drivers are in and out of vehicles breathing fresh (well, Chicago) air; interacting with shopkeepers and getting to know parts of the city in great detail. 

It's a way to contribute to a publication you read, with a mission you believe in. (If you don't, forget the rest: this is not for you.)

This job is the perfect fit for free spirits who need paid work without being bogged down by everyday commitments. Are you an artist? An entrepreneur? Need a leg up while you pursue your dream? Earn some extra cash with us.

If you are available, always reliable and have a good driving record, email

If you can't commit on a regular basis, but would like to be called upon as a substitute from time to time, please let us know that as well."

Check out Chicago Looks latest columns in Newcity's renewed design section, and also in print in select locations such as libraries, Whole Foods, Epic Burger, Myopic Books, John Fluevog, Old Town School of Folk Music, Gene Siskel etc etc etc, and in those black newspaper boxes all over downtown. See distribution map here.  
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