"The Empty Bottle and Beauty Bar have had the pleasure of hosting storied NYC DJ JONATHAN TOUBIN many times over the past few years and we were shocked to hear that he had become the victim of a freak accident in which he was hit by a taxi while asleep in a Portland hotel room early last month. Benefits popping up for TOUBIN across the nation are a testament to what a fine fellow he is and we are honored to be hosting a benefit for the man in Chicago. Tonight (JAN 20th) RADAR EYES, OUTER MINDS and HOUSE SOUNDS bring their distinctly Windy City garage sound to the stage and DJ sets by JAMES PORTER, EMILIE JAEGER, KRISTIN MARX, NAOMI WALKER, ALEX WHITE & BRENT ZMRHAL help raise funds and send positive thoughts towards JT. More information on his condition and benefits around the country can be found at http://www.iheartjt.com."
See a super cool video of Gina's band below: