Thursday, February 21, 2013

Josh Illustrates

Chicago Looks is proud to present super talented artist Josh Crow as a regular collaborator. He will be illustrating his favorites looks in the blog for his column here. I'm beyond excited!

Check out Josh's own blog Crow The Painter, and also Drawn and Coutured - which he runs along with Alanna Zaritz, who is in my latest Newcity feature. Follow him on Instagram @shuacrow.

Michael and Sissy

Michael and Sissy Spastik (@sissyspastik) were featured in my Valentine's Day special Newcity column. Read what they had to say about their looks here, and get the latest issue all over downtown - presenting Alanna Zaritz from Drawn and Coutured.

Sissy Spastik is a hostess at Boom Boom Room at the Green Dolphin on Sundays (along with legendary JoJo Baby) and Transmission at Neo - two of the best nights in town.

Street View 077: Aana

Check out my latest Bleader post here.

Cracker Your Wardrobe 2012

Clockwise from top left: Fay, Krystal, London, Liz


Clockwise from top left: Gina, Eric, Aleem, Taj-ae


Clockwise from top left: Jane, Cate, Andrea, Najee

Clockwise from top left: Emily, Liz, Vince, Ryan


Clockwise from top left: Miah, George, Megan, Jawonte


Clockwise from top left: Kamillah, Michael, Drew, Tong

Clockwise from top left: Najee, Andi, Meagan, Sanele


Clockwise from top left: Caitlin, Irina, Jordan, Ed

Clockwise from top left: Alice, Caylee, Asadda, Kimberly


Clockwise from top left: Rasta Sha, Sun, Kelly, Lyndsey


 Clockwise from top left: Chris and Ryan, Jessica, Mikala, Justina

Clockwise from top left: Zapora, Anna, Daphne, Allison


Clockwise from top left: Denver, Emilie, Emilie, Tina

Clockwise from top left: Arlenis, Joan, Anna, Corlyn


Clockwise from tope left: Kate, Sara, Candace, Stephanie

 Clockwise from top left: Laura, Caroline, Liliana, Melissa


Clockwise from top left: Gil and Paula, Katie, Cami and Marissa, Meghan

Chicago Looks is regularly featured in the South Korean street style magazine Cracker Your Wardrobe. Check out previous Cracker pics here and their 5th anniversary special here. If you see your picture above and would like to get an issue please send your request to

Cracker Your Wardrobe 5th anniversary special

Sandra Marsh

Liz Eckland

Najee Redd

To celebrate their 5th anniversary last September, South Korean street style mag Cracker Your Wardrobe did a special presenting people who had been featured there in the previous 12 months. They asked Chicago Looks to submit 3 subjects who fit the bill, so I picked Sandra Marsh, Liz Eckland and Najee Redd.

They had to do a similar pose in a similar location of the previously published shot, and show items that changed their lives in the past year - plus a few of their favorite objects. Check them out below:

See more Chicago Looks shots for Cracker here.
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