Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010


Karyn and Kirsten (below) were selling their vintage picks at the Berlin Bonanza sale yesterday. If you missed it you can still shop Karyn's tasteful finds at her Max & Chloe Vintage Etsy shop.

Some other Bonanza sellers last Sunday: The Gaudy God, Sister Man Vintage, Joules Jewels, The Sometimes Store, Bummer Town, Onomatopoeia, Knee Deep Vintage, BombshellShocked... Most of them will be at our Vintage Heaven sale this weekend, come check it out!


Kirsten is the co-owner of The Sometimes Store, which is sometimes open but where you can always find something cool. They're actually having a Mother's Day sale on May 9th, when you can get 20% off if you bring a picture of your mom. The Gaudy God and his rad HOODZ will be there as well.

Kirsten is wearing a watch by Joules Jewels.


This post and the next one were shot at the 101 Years of Futurism fashion show.

Etienne (almost asleep) and Brittany

101 years of Futurism

Alma's Futurism show happened last Saturday at Heaven Gallery. Four words about it: JACKET. WITH. SPEAKERS. Insane!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

You can say that again

The other day I stumbled upon this great Chicago street style blog and I'd like to share it with you: Chicago's Got Style. According to Anna, its creator and upkeeper, "The idea for Chicago’s Got Style came into being one day when I was reading the street-style blog of a well-known fashion magazine (whose name will be courteously left anonymous) and came across a rather scathing comment about fashion in Chicago–or the supposed lack thereof. Of course you and I know that that Ms. Fancy Pants fashion journalist simply wasn’t looking hard enough!"

Wise words, Anna! Chicago's definitely got style!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back to the Future

My dear friend Alma Wieser will be showing her fabulous re-creations in her 101 Years of Futurism Fashion Show:

Saturday April 24th, 2010
Doors open at 8, show starts at 9.
@ Heaven Gallery - 1550, N. Milwaukee - Wicker Park

Come see Renovar’s latest fashion project, influenced by Futurism, F.T Marinetti’s early 20th century Art movement. Exploring the ideas of Futurism 101 years later and the importance of history with an optimistic future. Rather than destroying the past as Marinetti propagated, the past is used to construct the new sartorial. Exhibiting Tech couture and fashion performance on an unconventional runway.

More info at heavengallery.com.

Fiesta Cultural

Benefiting over 30 years of multicultural, multilingual public education at Inter-American Magnet School

INTER-AMERICAN MAGNET SCHOOL is hosting their annual spring benefit, FIESTA CULTURAL, on Saturday, April 24, 2010 from 4 to 8:30 PM. This year’s event features food and entertainment from Spain, Latin America, and Brazil, in support of Inter-American’s “Curriculum of the Americas”.

More info here.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


This picture and the next two were taken at the Chicago Antique Market.



Friday, April 16, 2010


Chicago Looks on Musik Express

Chicago Looks is now a contributor to one of the most read music magazines in Germany, Musik Express.
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